This chapter describes Gateway (GW) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
GW.001 |
Short Syntax: GW.001 Copyright 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Copyright 1989 The Regents of the University of California
Long Syntax: GW.001 Copyright 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Copyright 1989 The Regents of the University of California
Description: Portions of the original code on which this system was based bear the following copyright notice: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this program for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies and supporting documentation, the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the program without specific prior permission, and notice be given in supporting documentation that copying and distribution is by permission of M.I.T. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright (c) 1989 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
GW.002 |
Short Syntax: GW.002 Portable CGW router name Rel release level strtd
Long Syntax: GW.002 Portable C Gateway router name Release release level started
Description: Prints the name of the router (as indicated in the router), and the release level of the software load which has just started in the router.
GW.003 |
Short Syntax: GW.003 Unus pkt len unused_length nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.003 Unused packet length unused_length net network ID
Description: The router will not be able to send or receive the last [unused length] bytes of maximum size packets.
Cause: The configuration for the router has dictated a maximum packet size that the software will handle, which is smaller than the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the network.
Action: If the the buffer size setting on the router has been manually set, modify or remove the buffer size setting in the router. If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.004 |
Short Syntax: GW.004 Sys queue type q adv alloc advisable queue length excd actual queue length
Long Syntax: GW.004 System queue type queue advisory allocation of advisable queue length exceeded actual queue length
Description: The system has detected that there are probably an insufficent number of buffers for optimal operation. On startup, the maximum number of buffers allocated to either the permanent device input queue or the transient device output queue had exceeded an advisable allocation of the entire buffer pool.
Cause: The router has been configured with overly large routing tables for some protocol.
Action: Ensure that the routing tables for each protocol are of a reasonable size for the network configuration. Memory allocated to routing tables cannot be used for packet buffers.
Cause: The router in question has too many network interfaces for the amount of buffer memory available.
Action: Reduce the number of network interfaces on the router. If there are only a reasonable number of interfaces on the router, or if a (buffer) memory upgrade is available, consider expanding the amount of memory on the router. If the message persists, contact customer service.
Cause: The number of buffers has been manually set to a low number.
Action: Modify or remove the number of buffers setting in the router. If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.005 |
Short Syntax: GW.005 Bffrs: total created avail initially free idle fair fair share amount low high water mark
Long Syntax: GW.005 Buffers: total created available initially free idle fair share fair share amount low water high water mark
Description: The message gives information about the number of buffers created by the initialization procedure, as well as some information on parameters used by the buffer allocation system. As long as the number of buffers currently free in the router is above the low water mark, any user can allocate buffers. Below that point, any user can allocate buffers, as long as the number is less than the 'fair share'.
GW.006 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.006 Pkt frm nt network ID for uninit prt, disc
Long Syntax: GW.006 Packet from net network ID for uninitialized protocol discarded
Description: An incoming packet was in a protocol which, although recognized, did not have a handler loaded and enabled.
GW.007 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.007 Ip err error_code nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.007 Input error error_code net network ID
Description: A device input operation returned an error, along with a device specific error code. The input error counter for that network was incrememented, and any packet associated with that error was probably discarded.
Action: Refer to the Router Hardware Manual under the appropriate interface to see what the specific error codes for this type of interface mean.
GW.009 |
Level: METER
Short Syntax: GW.009 Nt dwn ip rstrt nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.009 Net down for input restart net network ID
Description: When the router attempted to queue additional input operations for the network, the network had been disabled for input.
Cause: This is caused by timing windows in the internal operation of the router; an input restart operation was requested, but when the time came to do it, input on the interface had been internally disabled. The condition is detected, and is harmless.
Action: If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.010 |
Level: METER
Short Syntax: GW.010 Ip q len queue_length no ip buf nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.010 Input queue length queue_length no input buffer net network ID
Description: When the router attempted to queue additional input operations for the network, not enough free buffers were available to refill the input queue to the level desired; the actual level attained is listed.
Cause: If the message occurs on an occasional basis, a traffic peak is causing the router to run short of buffers.
Action: No action is necessary.
Cause: The router is short of buffers for some reason. This may be because there is not enough memory on the router to provide enough buffers.
Action: If there is a shortage of memory for buffers, either add memory to the router or reduce the number of network interfaces on the router. If the message persists, contact customer service.
Cause: The number of buffers may have been manually set low.
Action: Modify or remove the number of buffers setting in the router. If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.014 |
Level: METER
Short Syntax: GW.014 Nt dwn op rstrt nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.014 Net down for output restart net network ID
Description: When the router attempted to queue additional output operations for the network, the network had been disabled for output.
Cause: This is caused by timing windows in the internal operation of the router. An output restart operation was requested, but when the time came to do it, output on the interface had been internally disabled. The condition is detected and is harmless.
Action: If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.017 |
Short Syntax: GW.017 Intfc hdw mssng nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.017 Interface hardware missing net network ID
Description: When the router software went to initialize the network interface for the first time, it discovered that the interface's adapter is not plugged in.
Cause: The adapter is not plugged in.
Action: Follow the procedures to insert the appropriate adapter.
Cause: The interface's adapter is broken.
Action: Contact customer service.
GW.018 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.018 Strt nt slf tst nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.018 Start network self test network network ID
Description: A network self-test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on self-test) has been requested.
GW.019 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.019 Slf tst nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.019 Self test network network ID
Description: A network self-test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on self-test) has been started.
GW.020 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.020 Nt pss slf tst nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.020 Network passed self test network network ID
Description: A network undergoing self-test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on self-test) has passed the self-test.
GW.021 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.021 Nt up nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.021 Network up network network ID
Description: After passing self-test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on self-test), a network that was previously down has come up.
GW.022 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.022 Nt fld slf tst nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.022 Network failed self test network network ID
Description: A network undergoing self-test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on self-test) has failed the self-test.
Cause: The exact cause is network dependant. Use any trap messages printed by the network handler, along with network specific information as revealed by the CGWCON 'Interface' command, to isolate the problem.
GW.023 |
Short Syntax: GW.023 Nt dwn nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.023 Network down network network ID
Description: After failing self-test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on self-test), a network that was previously up has gone down.
GW.024 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.024 Processing pending disable for nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.024 Processing pending disable for network network ID
Description: The user requested that a network be disabled (e.g. with the GWCON disable command) but the network was in the middle of self-test. Since the self-test has just completed, the pending disable will now be performed.
GW.025 |
Short Syntax: GW.025 Nt fld mnt nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.025 Network failed maintainence network network ID
Description: The number of maintainence checks (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on maintainence) failed in a given interval has exceeded the allowed limit (see the appropriate Router Hardware Manual for more detail on what the exact numbers are for each interface). A self test (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on maintainence) will be started on the interface; if it fails, the interface will be marked down.
Cause: The exact cause is network dependant. Use any trap messages printed by the network handler, along with network specific information as revealed by the CGWCON 'Interface' command, to isolate the problem. A self-test of the network may reveal additional information.
GW.026 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.026 Mnt nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.026 Maintainence network network ID
Description: A maintainence check (see Software Operator's Manual for more information on maintainence) has been started for the indicated interface.
GW.027 |
Short Syntax: GW.027 No pkt fr mnt nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.027 No packet for maintainence network network ID
Description: A buffer could not be allocated when needed by network maintaince.
Cause: This may be caused by temporary traffic loads. Many other causes are possible.
Action: If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.028 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.028 Snk dsc pkt prt protocol to next_hop_host
Long Syntax: GW.028 Sink network discarding packet protocol protocol to host next_hop_host
Description: A buffer was sent to the sink network, which discarded it with no indication of error to the forwarder.
GW.029 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.029 Int dis nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.029 Interface disabled in configuration net network ID
Description: The inteface in question was disabled in the configuration and will not come up; it can be started at any time by testing it.
GW.030 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.030 heap_bytes bytes reserved by subsystem
Long Syntax: GW.030 heap_bytes bytes of heap reserved by subsystem subsystem
Description: At start-up time, one of the router's subsystems has reserved so many bytes of heap memory. This will be subtracted from the router's free memory before the remainder is carved into packet buffers.
GW.031 |
Short Syntax: GW.031 IP q alloc fl nt network ID avl number of buffers
Long Syntax: GW.031 Input queue allocation failed net network ID available number of buffers
Description: The system has detected that there are probably an insufficent number of buffers for optimal operation. On startup, each of the fast devices are allocated a fixed number of buffers. If these buffers are not available, the particular interface may not perform well.
GW.033 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.033 Slf tst req rejected for nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.033 Self-test request rejected for net network ID
Description: A self-test has been started for the interface but the interface is in an unusable state so the self-test cannot be performed. Use the GWCON configuration command to determine the interface state that is preventing the self-test from occurring.
Cause: If the interface's state is "Not Present" the adapter is not plugged in.
Action: Follow the procedures to insert the appropriate adapter.
Cause: If the interface's state is "HW Mismatch" then there is a hardware mismatch. A hardware mismatch occurs when the configured adapter type does not match the adapter type that is actually present in the slot.
Action: Follow the procedures to insert the appropriate adapter or to re-configure the interface.
Cause: If the interface's state is "HW Failure" then the interface's adapter is broken.
Action: Contact customer service.
Cause: If the interface's state is "Diagnostics" then the interface's adapter is undergoing diagnostics.
Action: Wait until the diagnostics are complete and then start another self-test.
GW.034 |
Level: U-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.034 Nt disabled: nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.034 Network disabled: net network ID
Description: The network is being disabled.
GW.035 |
Level: METER
Short Syntax: GW.035 Nt dwn to hst next_hop_host nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.035 Net down transmitting to host next_hop_host net network ID
Description: When the router went to send a packet to a given host, the network interface it had been told to send the packet over to was not up. The output discard counter for that network was incremented, and the packet was returned to the protocol forwarder for attention. Usually, next_hop_host will be the MAC layer address of the next hop router or host that this packet is being sent to. The format of this MAC address depends on the network type. If next_hop_host starts with an @ (at-sign), then that network does not provide a formatted display of MAC addresses, and the following number is the hex address in router memory that the next hop host address is stored at.
Cause: This is caused by timing windows in the internal operation of the router; a packet was queued for output, but when the time came to send it, the interface was down. The condition is detected, and is harmless.
Action: If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.036 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.036 Op ovfl to hst next_hop_host nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.036 Output overflow when transmitting to host next_hop_host net network ID
Description: When the router went to send a packet to a given host, the network output queue was too full, and the packet had to be discarded. The output overflow counter for that network was incremented, and the packet was returned to the protocol forwarder for attention. Usually, next_hop_host will be the MAC layer address of the next hop router or host that this packet is being sent to. The format of this MAC address depends on the network type. If next_hop_host starts with an @ (at-sign), then that network does not provide a formatted display of MAC addresses, and the following number is the hex address in router memory that the next hop host address is stored at.
Cause: This is caused by the offered load in the network being higher than the bandwidth available in the output network. Since the router itself is keeping up with the traffic, there is little it can do; the hosts generating the traffic are simply sending more data than the output network can accommodate.
Action: Increase the speed of the network in question (particularly if it is a slow speed leased line), or take measures to restrict the offered load.
GW.037 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.037 Nt dwn, disc pkt to hst next_hop_host nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.037 Network down, discarding packet to host next_hop_host network network ID
Description: Packets waiting for transmission on the network in question were discarded when the network went down. The discard counter for the network in question is incremented. Usually, next_hop_host will be the MAC layer address of the next hop router or host that this packet is being sent to. The format of this MAC address depends on the network type. If next_hop_host starts with an @ (at-sign), then that network does not provide a formatted display of MAC addresses, and the following number is the hex address in router memory that the next hop host address is stored at.
GW.038 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.038 User default name has logged on
Long Syntax: GW.038 User default name has logged on
Description: A new user has logged on to the system.
GW.039 |
Short Syntax: GW.039 Failed logon: ID = default name
Long Syntax: GW.039 A logon attempt has failed: user ID = default name
Description: Someone attempted to log onto the system but did not supply a correct user-name and password.
GW.048 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.048 Int rsvd for rst nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.048 Interface reserved for WAN restoral in configuration net network ID
Description: The interface in question has been reserved for WAN restoral in the configuration and will not come up until needed by the WAN restoral process.
GW.049 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.049 Patched variable_name to new_value
Long Syntax: GW.049 Variable variable_name has been patched to value new_value
Description: The user has patched the value of one of the router's data items accordingly.
GW.050 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.050 Patch to variable_name failed
Long Syntax: GW.050 Attempt to patch variable variable_name has failed
Description: The user has attempted to patch the value of one of the router's data items. The patch failed.
GW.051 |
Short Syntax: GW.051 Wrt SRAM failed blk block_num, typ rec_type_num
Long Syntax: GW.051 Attempt to write block block_num,, record type rec_type_num to SRAM has failed
Description: Some code which cannot put out a console message (typically during startup) tried to write SRAM and failed.
GW.052 |
Short Syntax: GW.052 No UDP port avail to sync time
Long Syntax: GW.052 No UDP port available to send time sync request
Description: udp_notify returned 0. Probably, IP is not configured.
GW.053 |
Short Syntax: GW.053 No UDP port avail to srvc time req
Long Syntax: GW.053 No UDP port available to receive time sync requests
Description: udp_notify returned 0. Probably, IP is not configured, or else software error.
GW.054 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.054 Ip ovfl nt network ID, count pkts disc
Long Syntax: GW.054 Input overflow net network ID, count packets discarded
Description: Packets are arriving on the stated interface too quickly for the router's forwarders to process them; they are discarded before being examined by the router software because of the overload. The count of packets is the number of packets this has happened to since the last time it was attempted to log this message. The input overflow counter for this network ID is incremented.
Cause: This may sometimes be caused by ``broadcast storms'', which are network events caused by combinations of buggy and/or out-of-date software running on network hosts which spread in a chain reaction, typically causing the network to be consumed with back to back packets (often broadcast) for a period of seconds, or occasionally, a minute or two.
Action: If a broadcast storm is happening, fix or disable the responsible hosts.
Cause: It may be simply caused by very heavy load.
Action: If heavy load is the cause, and this message happens frequently, you may be using one of the slower routers in the product line. If there is a faster CPU option available for the router you are using, consider upgrading.
GW.055 |
Short Syntax: GW.055 Nt dwn trans on nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.055 Net down transmitting on net network ID
Description: When the router went to send a packet, the network interface it had been told to send the packet over to was not up. The output discard counter for that network was incremented, and the packet was returned to the protocol forwarder for attention.
Cause: This is caused by timing windows in the internal operation of the router; a packet was queued for output, but when the time came to send it, the interface was down. The condition is detected, and is harmless.
Action: If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.056 |
Short Syntax: GW.056 Nt out dis trans on nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.056 Net output disabled, transmitting on net network ID
Description: When the router went to send a packet, the network interface it had been told to send the packet over had packet transmission disabled. The output discard counter for that network was incremented.
Cause: This is caused by timing windows in the internal operation of the router; a packet was queued for output, but when the time came to send it, output on the interface was disabled. The condition is detected, and is harmless.
Action: If the message persists, contact customer service.
GW.057 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.057 Op ovfl nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.057 Output overflow when transmitting on net network ID
Description: When the router went to send a packet, the network output queue was too full, and the packet had to be discarded. The output overflow counter for that network was incremented, and the packet was returned to the protocol forwarder for attention.
Cause: This is caused by the offered load in the network being higher than the bandwidth available in the output network. Since the router itself is keeping up with the traffic, there is little it can do; the hosts generating the traffic are simply sending more data than the output network can accommodate.
Action: Increase the speed of the network in question (particularly if it is a slow speed leased line), or take measures to restrict the offered load.
GW.058 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.058 Op err hst next_hop_host nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.058 Output error transmitting to host next_hop_host net network ID
Description: A packet has not been sucessfully retransmitted. The output error counter for that network is incremented, and the packet is discarded. Usually, next_hop_host will be the MAC layer address of the next hop router or host that this packet is being sent to. The format of this MAC address depends on the network type. If next_hop_host starts with an @ (at-sign), then that network does not provide formatted display of MAC addresses, and the following number is the hex address in router memory that the next hop host address is stored at.
Cause: If this message occurs more than very rarely, it probably indicates hardware transmission problems on the network in question.
Action: Utilize appropriate level 2 network management tools such as Tokenview (for rings) or a Time Domain Reflectometer (for Ethernet) to isolate and fix the problem.
GW.059 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.059 Alloc buff with min global_buffers global, private_buffers per net
Long Syntax: GW.059 Allocating buffers with mininum of global_buffers global buffers, and private_buffers buffers per fast input network
Description: The router is going to do the buffer allocation with the specified constraints.
Cause: This is normal on router startup.
GW.060 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.060 Buffs alloc with reduction reduction
Long Syntax: GW.060 Buffers allocated with reduction by reduction of private buffers
Description: The router has completed the buffer allocations. If the input networks could not get all the buffers that were requested, the reduction will be non-zero.
Cause: This message always happens on startup of the router. However, a non-zero reduction indicates that the router is close to being short on buffer memory. The higher the reduction, the more severe the buffer memory shortage. However, the shortage is not so severe that the router will not operate, but performance may be impaired.
Action: Upgrade size of buffer memory. Choose smaller buffer size on those devices (Token-Ring, Serial Line) where that is configurable.
GW.061 |
Short Syntax: GW.061 Priv buff alloc failed, nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.061 Private buffer allocation failed, network network ID
Description: The buffer allocation for a private buffer for the specified network failed. This network will have one less buffer than was intended. This message is severe only of it happens many times.
Cause: Shortage of buffer memory. (Particularly if preceeded by ELS message GW.064.)
Action: Upgrade size of buffer memory.
Action: Choose smaller buffer size on those devices (Token-Ring, Serial Line) where that is configurable.
Cause: Shortage of heap memory. (Particularly if preceeded by ELS message GW.063.)
Action: Reduce routing table sizes. Increase size of data memory.
Cause: Buffer allocation routine did not accurately predict how many buffers could be allocated.
Action: On some configurations, some portions of the buffer memory are unuseable. The pre-allocator does not take this into account, so a few buffer allocations may fail.
GW.062 |
Short Syntax: GW.062 Global buff alloc failed after count
Long Syntax: GW.062 Global buffer allocation failed after count allocated
Description: The buffer allocation for a global buffer failed. The router will have one less global buffer than was intended. This message is severe only of it happens many times, starting at low values of count.
Cause: Shortage of buffer memory. (Particularly if preceeded by ELS message GW.064.)
Action: Upgrade size of buffer memory.
Action: Choose smaller buffer size on those devices (Token-Ring, Serial Line) where that is configurable.
Cause: Shortage of heap memory. (Particularly if preceeded by ELS message GW.063.)
Action: Reduce routing table sizes. Increase size of data memory.
Cause: Buffer allocation routine did not accurately predict how many buffers could be allocated.
Action: On some configurations, some portions of the buffer memory are unuseable. The pre-allocator does not take this into account, so a few buffer allocations may fail.
GW.063 |
Short Syntax: GW.063 Alloc of iorb failed
Long Syntax: GW.063 Allocation of I/O request block failed
Description: Some code in the router was allocating an I/O request block and buffer. The allocation of the I/O request block failed.
Cause: Shortage of heap memory.
Action: Reduce routing table sizes. Increase size of data memory.
GW.064 |
Short Syntax: GW.064 Alloc of buffer failed
Long Syntax: GW.064 Allocation of buffer failed
Description: Some code in the router was allocating an I/O request block and buffer. The allocation of the buffer failed.
Cause: Shortage of buffer memory.
Action: Upgrade size of buffer memory.
Action: Choose smaller buffer size on those devices (Token-Ring, Serial Line) where that is configurable.
GW.065 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.065 heap_bytes bytes buff reserved by subsystem
Long Syntax: GW.065 heap_bytes bytes of buffer memory reserved by subsystem subsystem
Description: At start-up time, one of the router's subsystems has reserved so many bytes of buffer memory. This will be subtracted from the router's free buffer memory before the remainder is carved into packet buffers.
GW.073 |
Short Syntax: GW.073 Rcv buffs increased to configured_buffers, exceeds max of maximum_buffers, nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.073 Receive buffers increased to configured_buffers, exceeds maximum of maximum_buffers, net network ID
Description: The user-configured number of receive buffers exceeds the maximum allowed for this interface type. The number of buffers will be reduced to the maximum.
Cause: Excessive number of buffers in Config>SET RECEIVE-BUFFERS command.
Action: Configure for acceptable number of buffers.
GW.074 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: GW.074 Rcv buffs increased from configured_buffers to default_buffers, nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.074 Receive buffers increased from configured_buffers to default_buffers, net network ID
Description: The user configuration is increasing the number of receive buffers on this interface from the default to the configured value.
GW.075 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: GW.075 Rcv buffs decreased from default_buffers to configured_buffers, nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.075 Receive buffers decreased from default_buffers to configured_buffers, net network ID
Description: The user configuration is decreasing the number of receive buffers on this interface from the default to the configured value. This may reduce performance on this interface.
GW.078 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: GW.078 Rcv low water changed from default_low_water to configured_low_water, nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.078 Receive low water level changed from default_low_water to configured_low_water, net network ID
Description: The user configuration is changing the receive low water level on this interface from the default to the configured value. This will change the behavior of flow control for packets received on this interface.
GW.079 |
Short Syntax: GW.079 Int hw err nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.079 Hardware failure detected for net network ID
Description: The router detected a hardware failure for the interface in question. The interface will not come up.
Action: Contact customer service.
GW.080 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: GW.080 Ext Slt: String supplied by external device
Long Syntax: GW.080 External Slot device is: String supplied by external device
Description: This serves to identfy the status of the external slot.
GW.083 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.083 LID st old_state,-> new_state, nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.083 Line ID state old_state, changed to new_state,, net network ID
Description: FSM trace event.
GW.089 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.089 Match dial addr [ dial_address] to nt switched network ID
Long Syntax: GW.089 Matched inbound destination dial address [ dial_address] to network switched network ID
Description: An inbound call arrived and the specified network is configured to match it. Match the dial_address address string in hex. Empty string is a wildcard and will match a network with any_inbound setting.
GW.096 |
Short Syntax: GW.096 DialRec: bad addr rec: smaller than hdr (name= parent_name)
Long Syntax: GW.096 DialRec: bad address record: smaller than header (name= parent_name)
Description: The router read a SR_DCADDR (dial circuit address) record shorter than the address record header from SRAM under the displayed destination name. Report this error to customer service.
GW.099 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: GW.099 Dropped lnk due to encap slftst errs nt switched network ID
Long Syntax: GW.099 Dropped link due to encapsulator self-test errors network switched network ID
Description: The amount of time during which consecutive encapsulator self-test errors occurred exceeded the SET IDLE nnn interval set by the user, so CML dropped the link.
GW.100 |
Short Syntax: GW.100 Bad MP config nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.100 Bad MP config for net network ID
Description: The MP net configured is invalid or BRS is on the link.
Cause: Configuration error.
Action: Configure a valid MP net or turn off BRS on the link.
GW.101 |
Short Syntax: GW.101 Intfc hdw mismtch nt network ID
Long Syntax: GW.101 Interface hardware mismatch net network ID
Description: When the router software went to initialize the network interface for the first time, it discovered a hardware mismatch. A hardware mismatch occurs when the interface's configured adapter type does not match the adapter type that is actually present in the slot.
Cause: There is a hardware mismatch.
Action: Either follow the procedures to insert the configured adapter type or refer to the appropriate manuals to check and correct the interface's configuration.
Cause: The interface's adapter is broken.
Action: Contact customer service.
GW.102 |
Level: DEBUG
Short Syntax: GW.102 bufget() failed. No more global buffers.
Long Syntax: GW.102 bufget() failed. No more global buffers.
Description: The router has run out of global buffers. When this message is enabled, the box will bughlt if it runs out of buffers.
GW.103 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.103 Tech support bypass login by [ user]
Long Syntax: GW.103 Technical Support id bypassed remote authentication: user
Description: Console login by tech support id has bypassed remote authentication
Action: Disable technical support bypass if this is not desired.
GW.104 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: GW.104 Login Last Resort was used by: user
Long Syntax: GW.104 Login Last Resort was used by: user
Description: Remote authentication timed out and a local login was used.
Action: Disable Last Resort if this is not desired.
Panic gwbadhd |
Short Syntax: GW: Bd cnf inf nt hdr lngths
Description: Bad configuration information in the load was detected.
Cause: Hand-configured maximum header and trailer sizes are smaller than the actual lengths of at least one network in the router.
Action: Contact customer service.
Panic gwbdntv |
Short Syntax: GW: incompatible net table vers
Description: A load with incompatible versions of binary modules has been detected.
Cause: The version number on the network configuration table does not match the version number of the compiled code.
Action: Contact customer service.
Panic gwbdpm |
Short Syntax: GW: incompatible P_MAX
Description: A load with incompatible versions of binary modules has been detected.
Cause: The maximum number of protocols in the configuration information does not match the maximum number of protocols in the compiled code.
Action: Contact customer service.
Panic gwbdtm |
Short Syntax: GW: incompatible T_MAX
Description: A load with incompatible versions of binary modules has been detected.
Cause: The maximum number of network types in the configuration information does not match the maximum number of network types in the compiler code.
Action: Contact customer service.
Panic gwbdim |
Short Syntax: GW: incompatible I_MAX
Description: A load with incompatible versions of binary modules has been detected.
Cause: The maximum number of interface types in the configuration information does not match the maximum number of interface types in the conpiled code.
Action: Contact customer service.
Panic gwnmp |
Short Syntax: GW: no mem for prot tbl
Description: No memory was available for a critical system table.
Cause: Insufficient memory was available to allocate either the installed or complete protocol table, or the per network protocol upcalls, early in initialization.
Action: Contact customer service.
Panic gwfrfr |
Short Syntax: GW: freeing free buffer
Description: The buffer free routine detected software in the system attempting to free a buffer that has already been freed.
Cause: Software problem that frees the same buffer twice. This is a grave error.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Panic gwgtgt |
Short Syntax: GW: alloc busy buffer
Description: The buffer free routine detected software in the system attempting to allocate a buffer that is already busy.
Cause: Software problem.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Panic gwifdrv |
Short Syntax: GW: net with multiple i_fdrv requests
Description: The buffer allocation routine encountered a network that wanted more than one type of memory per buffer.
Cause: Software problem.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Panic gwlgwc |
Short Syntax: GW: leading buffer guard word corrupted
Description: The code that monitors the packet buffers detected that the guard word in front of a buffer has been corrupted.
Cause: Software problem.
Cause: Hardware failure.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Panic gwtgwc |
Short Syntax: GW: trailing buffer guard word corrupted
Description: The code that monitors the packet buffers detected that the guard word after the end of a buffer has been corrupted.
Cause: Software problem.
Cause: Hardware failure.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Panic gwnhifdrv |
Short Syntax: GW: no heap mem for i_fdrv
Description: No heap memory available for buffer cache data block.
Cause: Shortage of heap memory.
Action: Reduce routing table sizes. Increase size of data memory.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Panic gwnbifdrv |
Short Syntax: GW: no buff mem for i_fdrv
Description: No buffer memory available for buffer cache data block.
Cause: Shortage of buffer memory.
Action: Upgrade size of buffer memory.
Action: Choose smaller buffer size on those devices (Token-Ring, Serial Line) where that is configureable.
Action: Take a dump of this failure, and send it to customer service.
Fatal gwtfb |
Short Syntax: GW: too little buffer memory
Description: The buffer allocation code simply cannot allocate enough input buffers to each network while still leaving a reasonable number of free buffers for the routing protocols. (These constraints are given by ELS message GW.059.)
Cause: Too many devices, or too large a buffer size, for the available amount of buffer memory.
Action: De-configure (or remove) some devices. Upgrade size of buffer memory. Choose smaller buffer size on those devices (Token-Ring, Serial Line) where that is configureable.